The aim of the project entitled Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age is to develop and digitally publish a comprehensive, computerized historical linguistic Database that contains and manages the Vulgar Latin material of the Latin inscriptions found in some European provinces of the Roman Empire (Illyricum, Gallia, Britannia, Germania, Hispania, Northern, Middle and South-East Italy).
This will allow for a more thorough study of the regional changes and differentiation of the Latin language of the Imperial Age and for a multilayer visualization of the discovered structures concerning linguistic geography.
On-line database:
In order to search the database, a personal account should be required to Bela Adamik.
Letteratura secondaria
Testi letterari
Testi non letterari
Depuis plusieurs années, les textes latins du L.A.S.L.A. sont accessibles gratuitement sur Internet via le site Web "Opera Latina". Ce site, qui contient des fichiers que chacun peut consulter grâce à un logiciel interactif, vient de faire l'objet d'une refonte complète et a été enrichi pas de nouveaux textes. Les résultats des recherches peuvent être maintenant imprimés ou copiés directement sur le site. La consultation est possible en permanence grâce à un serveur dédicacé à cette seule banque de données. Le site « Opera Latina » est accessible gratuitement à l'adresse Les utilisateurs doivent simplement faire une demande de «login» et de «password» uniquement dans le but de permettre au L.A.S.L.A. de mieux connaître les utilisateurs de son site.
Vedi anche:
The LiLa project builds a Linked Data-based Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for Latin. The Knowledge Base consists of different kinds of objects connected via an explicitly-declared vocabulary for knowledge description.
LiLa collects and connects both existing and newly-generated (meta)data. The former are mostly linguistic resources (corpora, lexica, ontologies, dictionaries, thesauri) and NLP tools (tokenisers, lemmatisers, PoS-taggers, morphological analysers and dependency parsers) for Latin. These are currently available from different providers under different licences. With regard to newly-generated (meta)data, LiLa assesses a set of selected linguistic resources by expanding their lexical and/or textual coverage. In particular, LiLa (a) enhances a large amount of Latin texts with PoS-tagging and lemmatisation, (b) harmonises the annotation of the three Universal Dependencies treebanks for Latin, (c) improves the lexical coverage of the Latin WordNet and the valency lexicon Latin-Vallex, and (d) expands the textual coverage of the Index Thomisticus Treebank. Furthermore, LiLa builds a set of newly-trained models for PoS-tagging and lemmatisation, and works on developing and testing the best performing NLP pipeline for such a task. Connections between the aforementioned types of data are edges labelled with a restricted set of values (metadata) taken from a vocabulary of knowledge description. The Knowledge Base thus consists of a set of connections between target and source nodes.
Find out more about Lila. Linking Latin
The subcorpus PaLaFraLat permits queries on Latin sources from the Merovingian period (486-751), edited in the Monumenta Germaniae Historica series. It is composed of 187 texts with 398,277 tokens (332,808 words) of different genres (saint’s lives, original charters, historiographical and law texts, letters, formularies). All texts have been subject to automatical lemmatization, POS-tagging and morphological annotation with subsequent manual correction procedures, using the appropriate tagset lapos with 16 pos categories and 13 different morphological features with specific subcategories.
Find out more about PaLaFraLat-V2-0, subcorpus of PaLaFra Project