International Opportunities

The Department of Letters, Philosophy, Communication offers a variety of opportunities for students interested in perfecting their language skills, broadening their cultural horizons and acquiring personal autonomy or carrying out internship experiences outside national borders, through:

  • study stays under Erasmus+ and similar projects
  • internships abroad
  • double degrees
  • scholarships for short stays abroad, aimed at acquiring ECTS/CFU abroad (with particular reference to winter and summer schools) or at writing a Master’s thesis

Scholarships are provided for many of these programmes to cover travel and subsistence expenses.

Erasmus+ programme

Erasmus+ agreements provide for a grant of 250, 300 or 350 euros per month (depending on the cost of living) for European destinations and 500 euros per month for non-European destinations. The “International mobility for K107 credits” programme, for those who choose study stays in non-EU countries, provides a monthly grant of 750 euros. There are also additional contributions from the European Union and the MUR and other support measures for students in particularly vulnerable circumstances.

There is more information on the programme on the dedicated page.

The Department currently has study mobility exchanges with the following countries:

European countries:

  • Austria: Innsbruck
  • France: Aix-Marseille, Avignon, Besançon, Grenoble, Le Havre, Lyon, Paris, Perpignan
  • Germany: Friedrichshafen, Freiburg, Giessen, Leipzig, Nürnberg, Saarbrücken
  • Great Britain: Exeter, Leeds, Manchester, Reading
  • Greece: Atene
  • Poland: Krakow, Poznan, Warsaw
  • Czech Republic: Brno
  • Spain: Cádiz, Granada, Madrid, Valladolid

Non-European countries:

  • Australia: Sidney
  • Brazil: Curitiba
  • Japan: Nishinomiya, Yokohama
  • USA: Boulder (Colorado), Teaneck (New Jersey), Detroit (Michigan)


International curricular internships

The Erasmus+ Community Programme allows university students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes to access curricular internships in one of the countries participating in the Programme.
The internship period can vary from 2 to 6 months.

The Erasmus+ beneficiary will receive a Community contribution (determined from year to year) for the period spent abroad.
All notices are published on the dedicated page.

In addition, students and graduates of all courses can find opportunities for international extra-curricular, additional, postgraduate internships to enrich their educational path.
All notices are published on the dedicated page.


Double titles

Bergamo and New Jersey: Master’s degree in Communication, Information and Publishing + Master’s in Corporate and Organisational Communication

Fairleigh Dickinson University and the University of Bergamo have entered into an Agreement for Academic Cooperation that allows students of a Master’s Degree in Communication, Information and Publishing to simultaneously obtain a Master’s Degree in Communication, Information and Publishing, awarded by the University of Bergamo and a Master’s Degree in Communication awarded by Fairleigh Dickinson University (New Jersey, USA) with  attendance at the partner University for a predetermined duration of the course. 

See the dedicated page

Contact: Prof. Maria Francesca Murru


Bergamo and Warsaw: Master's degree in Comparative Modern Cultures + Dyplom ukończenia studiów II stopnia magisterskich

Starting from the academic year 2023/2024, students enrolled in the first year of a Master's Degree in Comparative Modern Cultures will have the opportunity to obtain a double degree, the Dyplom ukończenia studiów II stopnia magisterskich, issued by the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Warsaw.
Selected students will attend second-year mobility courses (in Italian and English) at the University of Warsaw, without additional tuition fees. They will be eligible for an Erasmus+ grant under current legislation. 
The thesis will be written in Italian under the guidance of two lecturers (a professor of Comparative Modern Cultures at the University of Bergamo and a professor from the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Warsaw).
The syllabus and other information will be indicated in the announcement, once published.

Contact: Prof. Amelia Valtolina

Scholarships for short stays abroad

Short breaks (especially summer or winter school)       
In order to increase opportunities for internationalisation and to support UniBg students in their short study mobility pathways, scholarships are available for short-term mobility abroad.

There is more information on the dedicated page

Stays abroad for writing the Master’s thesis

The multi-annual “Radici” programme, which establishes scholarships for students writing their Master’s thesis abroad, for those enrolled in one of the Departments at the University of Bergamo, provides sums of 2,000 euros for short mobility stays.

There is more information on the dedicated page.